Le JardiBlog - Gardening Tips, Advice and Trends

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15 HERBES FACILES À CULTIVER : Apportez de la vie à votre jardin et à votre palais avec ces favoris éprouvés

15 EASY-TO-GROW HERBS: Bring life to your garden and palate with these tried-and-true favorites

Many herbs are easy to grow even if you don't have a dedicated garden space. With the convenience of growing herbs at home, you can harvest them whenever you want. A quick sprinkle of fresh basil o...

Organiser un Jardin Potager Urbain : Design et Conseils Pratiques 🌱🏙️

Organizing an Urban Vegetable Garden: Design and Practical Advice 🌱🏙️

Having a vegetable garden in an urban environment can seem like a challenge, but with good organization and practical advice, you can create a productive and aesthetic green space. Here are some st...

Guide Complet pour une Irrigation Optimale de Votre Jardin

Complete Guide to Optimal Irrigation of Your Garden

Most plants need regular watering to survive, and even the most drought-tolerant ones will occasionally need a little water. Many factors play a role in determining how best to meet your garden'...

Les Jardins Comestibles : Transformer Votre Jardin en Supermarché Bio 🥦🍓

Edible Gardens: Transform Your Garden into an Organic Supermarket 🥦🍓

Having an edible garden at home is an excellent way to guarantee healthy, local food while reducing your ecological footprint. Whether you have a large garden or just a few pots on a balcony, growi...

Pourquoi les Feuilles de mes Plants de Tomates Deviennent Jaunes?

Why Are My Tomato Plant Leaves Turning Yellow?

Whether you're new to vegetable gardening or consider yourself an expert, you may have encountered a persistent problem while growing tomatoes: why are the leaves on your tomato plants turning yell...

Comment Traiter et Prévenir la Tache Noire sur les Roses

How to Treat and Prevent Black Spot on Roses

If rose growers had a public enemy number one, it would surely be black spot — a menacing fungal disease that poses a danger to roses. Once black spot disease begins attacking your roses, it can be...

Méthodes Naturelles pour se Débarrasser des Mauvaises Herbes Communes

Natural Methods to Get Rid of Common Weeds

With so much controversy surrounding the use of chemical weedkillers, especially those containing glyphosate, many gardeners are turning to more organic and natural weed control method...

Créer un Jardin Sensoriel : Une Expérience pour les Cinq Sens 🌸👃👂

Creating a Sensory Garden: An Experience for the Five Senses 🌸👃👂

A sensory garden is a space specially designed to stimulate all of our senses: sight, smell, touch, hearing and even taste. Creating such a garden can transform your outdoor space into a haven of p...

Jardinage en Pot  : Cultiver des Légumes en Pots

Container Gardening: Growing Vegetables in Pots

If growing your own vegetables and herbs sounds appealing but you don't have a lot of space, containers are a viable alternative to the traditional vegetable garden. All you need is a ...

Jardins thématiques : Inspirations du monde entier 🌍

Thematic gardens: Inspirations from around the world 🌍

Creating a themed garden is a wonderful way to transform your outdoor space into a true sensory journey. By drawing inspiration from different countries and cultures, you can bring a unique and per...

Comment Prendre Soin de Vos Outils de Jardinage ?

How to Take Care of Your Gardening Tools?

A regular maintenance routine keeps your garden tools in good working order and helps them last longer. Tools must not only be sharp, but also clean and sterile. Tools exposed to plants or soil inf...

Tendances de Jardinage 2024 : Quoi de Neuf ?

Gardening Trends 2024: What's New?

Gardening in 2024 promises to be a year of creativity and innovation. Emerging trends combine aesthetics, sustainability and functionality to transform our green spaces. Here is an overview of the ...

Comment Cultiver des Herbes ? - Jardins d'Herbes intérieurs et extérieurs

How to Grow Herbs? - Indoor and outdoor herb gardens

Herbs have been cultivated and used for thousands of years for their culinary and medicinal qualities. Their ornamental and aromatic qualities add aesthetic beauty and fragrance to any landscape. O...

Comment Se Débarrasser de L'Oïdium ?

How to Get Rid of Powdery Mildew?

Powdery mildew is a common fungus that affects a wide variety of plants. It is easily identifiable and appears as gray or white powdery spots, usually on infected leaves, but can also be found unde...

Un guide pour cultiver des plants de poivrons

A Guide to Growing Pepper Plants

In most American vegetable gardens, peppers are second only to tomatoes in popularity, and it's easy to see why. Few vegetables offer as much variety in terms of size, shape, color and flavor. Beyo...

Les Meilleures Plantes pour Attirer les Pollinisateurs dans Votre Jardin

The Best Plants to Attract Pollinators to Your Garden

Attracting pollinators to your garden is essential for the health of your plants and the production of fruits and vegetables. Pollinators, such as bees, butterflies and hummingbirds, play a crucial...

L'Éclairage Idéal : Comment Choisir les Meilleurs Accessoires pour Votre Jardin

Ideal Lighting: How to Choose the Best Accessories for Your Garden

Whether it is to improve security or to create a pleasant atmosphere for your evenings, the choice of outdoor lighting is essential to enhance your garden. Find out how to select the perfect lighti...